Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Addicted to Stress

I drive myself crazy sometimes. 

I always feel like I need to be accomplishing something, and often those things I'm accomplishing don't really matter at all... in the grand scheme of things. Like sweeping the floor for the billionth time. Or wiping down the baseboards in the kitchen again. But dust bunnies drive me nuts! Sigh. I swear I'm a teensy bit OCD. 

Trav told me I'm waaay too high stress lately. I'm a little snappy... not yet in the Christmas spirit as I usually am by this time. I'm complaining about the smallest messes – and for what? What does that help? Of course a tidy house can mean peace of mind, but perhaps I've taken it too far lately. I haven't allowed myself to let go... and have fun. 

It's not just the cleanliness thing either – it's making my to-do lists constantly. And crossing off as much as possible. I just love knowing that every day I've moved ahead...satisfaction knowing that I'm farther than I was yesterday and can prove it to you. Every night before I go to sleep I tick off the things I accomplished, and they're all silly things that I will forget about in a day or two. Maybe I need to make changes to my my friends a bit more, find time to make supper with Trav and sit down together, watch a movie, get together with Natalie...

But then again, boys will be boys and the dirty toilets, dishes in the sink and unfinished renos would drive anyone nuts! It's such a back and forth struggle. I take pride in a clean house and organized life, but it's hard when you're the only female in the house with three guys and two pets! And it's that conflict that causes the aggravation. I'm just like my Mom...I can't relax unless everything is in its place – and really, just when is everything it's place?

Maybe learning to let go and allow the dust bunnies to fly (while keeping my mouth shut) is what it's all about.

I'll let you know my plan of action soon.

*Update – I relapsed. I got home at 1:30 am Saturday night and had the energy to go on a cleaning rampage until 3 am. It felt so good!

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