Monday, April 13, 2009


I want to scream! Just a little busy...I have that feeling that this week is going to feel like constant catch up. Whew. Deep breath. We're not dealing with the end of the world here. Okaaayyy...

So I've got competition this week! EEK. My first lyrical solo in YEARS. It's about time I just go out and have fun with it! Our group is Saturday...I'm nervous but excited. It's funny how I get more nervous for these things as I get older. I think it should be the other way around!

And I must get my invites out in the next two weeks! This is going to prove to be difficult. Trav still needs to get fitted for a suit and choose a style, we need to register, and there's about a thousand little crafty things I need to be working on. It's fun, but wow. Like a full-time job!

I'll let you know how it all goes soon!!!

1 comment:

Sly said...

If you girls need any help with competition stuff let me know, I will be in the city all weekend. Let me know what time you dance at though. Would love to come cheer you girls on!