Monday, November 30, 2009

Off to the beach...

in one sleep!

Still a pile of work to wade through, but it'll work itself out.

In the meantime, LOVED this post from my friend Megz...she always inspires me and drives me through her words...thanks Meaghan! Hope you don't mind me sharing this :)



Seriously!! Life is what it is, and it is what you make of it. Why are you so settled with "good enough"? Why don't you want more from your life? Why are you letting other people dictate your worth? WHY do you keep waiting for tomorrow?

Why are you sitting back and accepting the hand you have been dealt? YOU (and only you) control your destiny and your life. You make decisions every day, and you are the one who gets to determine which choices are excuses and which choices will propel you further ahead.

No one else will ever, EVER get to live your life. It is yours for a reason, a gift from God. Use it to its fullest potential. Surround yourself with people whose sole purpose is to lift you up and help you grow; leave behind those that are holding you back. They are only holding you back because they are scared of the greatness you are capable of. They are scared that they too might possess such greatness.

Don't be trapped by fear.

Quit settling, and start living. Stretch your mind to encompass the possibilities of this world, and start discovering all that you really are and can be.

Now never ends.

1 comment:

MagzD said...

Awww, thanks Air :) Have fun in paradise!