Monday, January 4, 2010

Back and...?

Feeling strange. Maybe it has something to do with the fact I slept in until noon yesterday? My patterns are completely out of whack. Not ready to be back working either...I was enjoying the sleep in/workout/watch tv/browse recipes/make chosen recipe/stay up late watching a movie/repeat routine. Sigh. Usually at this time of year I'm so gung ho about a new year ahead...making plans, promises and knowing not all of it is doable but going for it anyway.

This year I haven't made set resolutions, but my 101 in 1001 days is still running. If I had to nail it down, there are two bullet points floating around in my head:

1. GO TO BED EARLIER. Why, oh why is this so tough? It's certainly not the first time it's made an appearance on zee blog. (Always wanted to write 'zee blog'...not sure why. But there it is.) It sounds easy but I think it's my hardest goal to achieve yet!

2. Learn French. Oui oui oui! I so badly yearn to yammer away in foreign tongue. Then I could understand Trav's hockey games too. (Cause we all know how fulfilling that will be ;) ) But seriously, I do live in a French neighbourhood, I have a French name, and we plan to name our first boy a very French name. It just seems fitting. Ha.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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