Sunday, March 27, 2011

i totally relate to this

The crying game. A great blog entry/article by a local writer.

Isla is now in somewhat of a sleeping pattern at night. We waited six weeks, and were sure she was gaining and feeding well, before attempting to stretch out night feeds so we get a few more hours of shuteye between. Before I was feeding every two hours. Now our nights have been looking like this (keep in mind this is only four days...I suppose it could change any time!)

10:30-11 - I zip Isla up in her sleep sack, and into the cradle she goes after a few goodnight kisses. I'm trying to work towards a 9 pm bedtime, but the nights just go by so fast! After a few minutes of grunting, she's asleep.

3:20 - She wakes up to eat! We're back in bed around 4. It takes her about 20 minutes to fall back asleep.

7:20 - Hungry again! This time she's wide awake until about 9. Around then she falls into a deep, deep sleep until 11 am. I usually take her in bed with me and we both snooze for a couple needed hours.

So this little schedule I can live with...although the nights are long (essentially 12 hours!), I get close to 7 or 8 hours of actual sleep, which is amazing.

But who knows? Next week could bring something totally different!

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