Sunday, April 10, 2011

hey cupcake

Treasures. I love it when I'm in that "hunting" mood and score some cheapo finds at a vintage shop, warehouse sale, Winners, or this time...Goodwill! Yep, in ye old rough 'hood of Beverly is possibly the best Goodwill I've ever been to! (By the way, I'm so over Value Village...waaaaay overpriced for most of that junk).

Last week I spent $15 total on two black and white flower canvases for the guest bedroom (makeover in progress, big reveal soon!), two lamp bases for our bedroom ($2.99 each, just gotta buy the lampshades!) and the most adorable little present for Isla. Behold:

The top pops offs to reveal a candle that smells like coconut, yummmmmmmmy. Adorable for a nursery, don't you think? Anyway, I got this for $1.99...still in the box. Curiosity got the best of me and I had to know how much it's actually worth. A quick google search, and it turns out full price is $27! Wow. I'm pretty pumped about that. If you love it as much as I do and our willing to pay full price, here's the site where I found it.

Plus, Goodwill supports a great cause. It's a win-win. I'll be back soon...considering Trav has ONE pair of jeans right now, I think we'll make it our first stop. Couldn't hurt...especially since he loves saving money more than I do ;)

Happy hunting!

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