Monday, April 25, 2011


I love DIY projects - especially easy peasy ones that don't take too much thought or effort. (Unlike the dresser in Isla's room, which took sanding, five coats of paint, and six months to finish...UGH!)

The project I'm showing you cost $15 total (but my Gma picked up the tab, so technically it was free for me!) I had been looking for an ottoman for the nursery, a comfy place to put my feet up for those bleary-eyed, middle-of-the-night feeds. And extra storage would be a great bonus! However, the only ones I could find were $80 at the cheapest...sorry, not in the budget!

So when I was out visiting my parents, we had a bit of time to pop into my hometown hamlet's haphazard, scarily-stuffed second-hand store. Unique Repeats it's called. When I spotted this little ottoman, I just had to have it...the top lifts off, and I loved the retro vibe. However, this isn't what it originally looked like! I stupidly didn't take a "before" picture, but I'll enlighten you: reddish brown vinyl on top. Ick.

Once I got the otto-baby home, I planned to buy a cute scrap of fabric. Problem is, with a little babes at home I can't run out and shop as much as I'd like...I know, I have it tough :) Plus I mused, surely I can do this for free? So I raided my closet and pulled out a skirt I haven't worn in a couple of years. I won't lie to you - I probably wouldn't squeeze back into it anyway! Pretty sure I got it when I was 15. Anyway, I ripped out some of the seams, cut it up, washed and dried it, and had Trav help me stretch it over the top and staple it on right over top of the vinyl. Ta da! This is what I ended up with, and I'm super happy with the result. It was easy, it adds a pop of colour, and I love that it's a original piece of furniture no one else has. Yay for recycling! Right now it holds all Isla's toys that she isn't quite ready for yet. A great place to stash pretty much anything, and of course, to put up my feet!

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