Monday, July 21, 2008


Well, the weekend flew by. It was somewhat disappointing. I mean, it was good to go back, but it's hard when you don't see these people all the time, so naturally I felt a little like an outsider. That, combined with allergy meds and too much vodka, and I think I embarrassed myself at the end of the night. I ripped my dress up to my butt, fell on the dance floor TWICE (in my favor, drinks were spilled everywhere), and I think yelled at Trav in front of some people. My god. For some reason I went past my limit...not going to do that for awhile! I mean, mostly everyone was drunk too, so I hope I didn't make a complete fool of myself...but still. Possibly the only person drunker than me was Quite the pair we are. Needless to say we were slow movers the next day and really accomplished nothing. Too bad because it was absolutely gorgeous outside (not that I could go outside anyways...Trav's Dad was haying..achoo!)

Well, I'm going to move past my stupidness and try to stop thinking about it. We've all been there, right? Other than that silly stuff, the wedding was a blast. I talked to Candice quite a bit, met some new people, talked to the bride! (It always seems that at weddings I never get the chance to talk to the couple!) I'm not sure when we'll be back in DV next.

The other reason the weekend was a bit of a downer was my allergies. Jeez! My eye pretty much swelled shut. That reminds me...I need to make a doc appointment stat! It's time to get on some serious meds because I can't stand this any longer. Plus I need to be in good shape for my vacay!

Moving on...spin tonight! Not sure how I'm feeling about that, but I think it'll be great for my body AND mind to sweat it all out.

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