Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One summer afternoon.

I return from the weekend...

It was perfect. Fabulous. And unexpected! I mean, I knew it was coming at some point this year. Even Christy at work predicted it the day before...but I was like "Nah, it's not gonna happen this weekend." I just wasn't feeling it, but apparently I was very wrong.

On Friday, Trav called me in the afternoon and told me that Brown wanted to cover his shift on Saturday (Trav was covering for Simpson.) So I said, sounds good (how awesome is an unexpected day off!?), what do you want to do for the day? Trav suggested going out to my parents to borrow the Chino and drive down to the river, but I really didn't feel like going back out there...and they weren't home so I negated the idea. Trav sounded really disappointed about that and now I know why! He was just trying to plan something romantic, where'd we be alone. But anyways, I suggested a plan B (initially suggested by Christy), which was to check out the Farmers' Market in Strathcona and then take the High Level trolley across the bridge and hang out at the Ledge Grounds.

The day was gorgeous. Sunny, warm, with a bit of a breeze. We walked up to the trolley, saw that one was to arrive in five minutes, and Trav said we might as well go now. I agreed and off we went! It was fun – I had no idea that Edmonton had the highest trolley. It put me on edge a little, being that high. Trav said his stomach was turning from the granola bar he had that morning (I think that really, he was nervous even though he insisted he wasn't!) The trolley is an old car from Australia, circa the 40s, refurbished. I just love antique things!

We arrived at the Ledge Grounds, which were oddly quiet that day. We walked past a couple of wedding parties taking pictures, and then went past a few fountains. I was leading the way when I heard Travis very seriously say my name (Ariana instead of Air!), and I turned, and there he was, on one knee! I hadn't suspected a thing, even with the bulky ring box stuffed into the cargo pocket of his shorts. (I hadn't noticed.)

I was so surprised and overwhelmed, but finally mustered "of course!" Trav says he was surprised I didn't cry...c'mon! I'm not really an emotion girl...my girlfriends can attest to that. Anyway, it was such a beautiful afternoon...I will always remember it. We headed to the market after, shared some hotdogs and just strolled around in the sunshine. It was a strange, fluttery feeling to walk around there and have a little secret that we soon would share with everyone. But for those couple of hours, it was just our moment. And that's one of the coolest feelings in the world.

1 comment:

Career Girl said...

I love love love your ring! Totally gorgeous!!