Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday Afternoon Lull.

I didn't watch SYTYCD last night...I just googled the winner this morning (so unlike me!)

Josh won. And I'm very cool with that. I know in my last post I ranted about him, but it really was a rant about Nigel. I can totally relate to Josh in the sense that I feel like I've missed out on a lot of training and that my technique – especially in ballet – lacks. So it was great to see him come out on top. And he's such a little explosive ball of vibrating energy! But Katee...what happened? Yes, she got 50 grand, but I still think she should've been number one.

So last night I went and checked out Nat's new cute! Nice and spacious, with a beautiful green yard with mature trees. It's an older building, but well taken care of, quiet, and has a cool kind of quaintness to it. She's also allowed to paint it or renovate it however she wants...which is such a great opportunity! Granted, those types of things cost and add up quickly, but I've got some leftover paint that could give the place a new look in a jiffy. If I lived there I'd be all over that! I suppose though I have enough to do with my own house judging by the 'home and garden' portion of my list. Possibly a little too ambitious? We'll see.

 The best part of our visit is when we went into the building and opened up "her" was someone else's suite! (The three buildings are identical.) The young guy looked absolutely petrified, probably thinking someone was busting to kill him! It was truly priceless. I couldn't stop laughing.

Travis ended up getting tomorrow off unexpectedly. Hooray! We've planned a day date...which is quite unlike us! We plan to explore Whyte Ave, hit up the farmers' market, and then trolley to the Ledge grounds and have a mini-picnic with some hopefully delicious fruit we snag at the market. We've haven't done anything like this before, so I'll let you know if we actually go through with this perfect-sounding date!

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