Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cut. It. Out.

I've been attempting a healthier lifestyle the last few months or so. Nothing drastic, because this is something I want to be able to adapt and do forever. I've begun by making smallish changes slowly...educating myself along the way.

I've gotten much better at reading nutritional labels and now only eat cereal that has 10 grams of sugar or less, but at least 5 grams of fiber. Not many fit that bill! Kashi Flakes and Fiber is my favourite...but of course I do add in a handful of chocolate chips to take care of my sweet tooth first thing (I hope that doesn't cancel out the nutritional benefits)! I've also started eating almost as soon as I get up. It gets everything revved up and gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

I've also cut out pop completely, diet or otherwise – including for mixed drinks, so that's why I've been a fan of vodka water. That's not to say I'm perfect all the the odd party you're handed a drink mixed with pop and sometimes you don't have much of a choice but to drink it. But overall, there's hardly any pop coming my way. (Trav and I have even been bringing water to the movies!)

I'm ready for my next challenge now, and that will be to cut out margarine and butter on my bread (note that I will NEVER eliminate bread from my diet. It's just not worth going through life without it!!!). I'm going to try replacing it with olive oil. I'm trying to watch the preservatives in my bread too, and have heard that buying straight from a bakery is the way to go. It's ridiculous how many ingredients bagged, sliced bread has. So many additives...notice how it can last for weeks and weeks? That's just not natural; no wonder our bodies are getting confused and softening up. They don't know how to process it...and that goes for sooooo many fake foods. We're a processed nation, and I'm the first to admit I've been a slave to it. It's just so easy! This is much more of my concern as opposed to calorie or fat count. So for now I'm going to try the can anyone argue with freshly baked bread?!

I could talk forever about this stuff as I learn more and more...I find it so fascinating in my quest to be healthier, stronger and fitter.

Have you cut out anything or made any recent changes in your diet or lifestyle?


Career Girl said...

I don't drink pop very often, but when I do, I force myself to drink diet. I also have started just pouring myself glasses of water when I watch TV. I find that in commercials, when I'm bored, I always reach for it. I've also started to eat a lot more fruit, but sadly my veggie intake is still low. I've lost some weight (in combination with my boyfriend leaving for the summer-he had bad eating habits- and then breaking up with said boyfriend). But the weight is staying off, so I'm obviously doing something right! :)

Lauren @ Sassy Molassy said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Back in high school I started cutting out things of my diet that I just came to realize I didn't like. Some of those things that have become habit and I don't even think about missing are...

1. avoiding red meat (chicken, turkey, fish, tempeh and tofu are great substitutes and just taste better to me)
2. no butter (doesn't really add much flavor to the bread in my opinion and is a LOT of fat. Don't get me wrong, I still use it for baking.)
3. no soda (i don't really enjoy the stuff. once in a while i crave it with pizza, but otherwise nope. Plus, the amount of sugar it has in it is just NOT worth it. And I refuse to eat fake sugar so diet soda is a no go as well.)