Friday, January 15, 2010


Work has been, well, work: a challenge to stay sane. But it's Friday, and the week has had its highs and lows. The trick is to remember the highs, I know...but I've always been so terrible at that! People who seem so confident, so sure of themselves in every situation no matter how unfamiliar or big the situation is, seem to keep those good things in their head. While I internally run through my weaknesses, they've wiped them out of their heads completely. How do they do that? Or is it a fake-it-til-you-make-it thing? Whatever is, I'm going to try. I think confidence is the foundation of success...and that attitude may make my work weeks go a little smoother. Or at least benefit me more in the long run! So no second-guessing. No letting anyone determine your worth. Let's try it.

And I'm still working to be able to wear this soon ; )
I plan on posting my fool-proof EAT CLEAN recipes right away. It's taken some experimenting, but I'm finding this new way of eating to be a fun challenge...who would've guessed?

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