Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Like a lot of my online friends, I'm still plugging away at my 101 goals in a 1001 days. Here's the latest I've been able to check off:

Redo the second bathroom. This one was a biggie. And we're pretty much there. All we need to do still is find a special knob for the tub. We need a particular one that is difficult to find. We found a cheap one but the plastic snapped the first time I used in my mind, this is close enough to done! Pictures will be coming soon.

Do a proper chin up and pull up. Yay! This was tough for me, and I'm still excited I FINALLY made it. I can to three chin ups and only one or two pull ups. So I'd like to get those reps up to five...then ten.

Write a handwritten letter to Travis. I used to always do this, years ago. I finally wrote one for his 26th birthday, instead of a birthday card.

Get a library card and use it. I've got five books to read ASAP!

So I think I'm only about halfway (eep!) but if feels good to check off more, even if it's only a few.

1 comment:

crystal.cattle said...

Congrats on the list! I am so glad that I found out about this from you. I have a ways to go, but getting closer. Love you folder pictures too. I need to start one of these.