Monday, May 17, 2010

Something New

I don't go out that much, but it seems the last month or so I've been heading out every weekend to Whyte or downtown to a bar for some reason or another. We usually hit up the same places...and it gets a little boring to be honest. Suite 69, The Pint, Cook County...they're fun places, but when you're craving something new - especially on a beautiful spring night that feels like summer, they don't always cut it.

On Friday night, a few of us girls decided to walk up Whyte Ave to see if anything caught our eye. We popped into a few places before we went into the Australian-themed pub called The Walkabout (used to be Thirsty Turtle). It was great! Two open patios to enjoy the summer breeze, decent dancefloor, cheap drinks, good crowd, clean bathroom....and several tables of goodlooking guys...nice.  (I was scoping for my single friend of course!)

Check it out if you have a chance. I hope to be back on a warm summer night (I'm thinking after a supper of nachos and margaritas at Julio's...)

Seriously, summer can't be beat.

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