Monday, July 14, 2008

Another weekend, another Monday.

Well, here we go again! I'm already looking forward to the weekend. Memo to self: enjoy the present! I was skimming a magazine article yesterday – I can't remember in what though – that talked about how as people, we feel that before we allow ourselves any fun we need to get a long list of work done. We don't enjoy the moment but only give ourselves a pat on the back if we feel we've worked hard enough! How true that is...for me at least. I'm going to try for at least a little bit each this week to be thankful for the RIGHT NOW...whatever I may be doing. Even if it's work, because I like my work : )

I plan to get my query letter off today. I'm going to think positively, and hopefully come up with some more ideas for other queries too!

How about weekend reflection time? It was decent. Friday night dinner with a few friends, which was nice. Although we almost got hit by a car on the way there! It was storming and the lights went out at 99th and Whyte. Of course everyone drives like maniacs and instead of treating the intersection like a four-way stop, people decided to whiz through. After three cars shot by, we slowly creeped out, and sure enough this shitty white car came barrelling through. He finally hit his breaks and Trav lost it on him. They just laughed. How frustrating is that?

Saturday I started my day out with a massage, which would've been great if I wasn't allergy city. Ugh. I couldn't breathe, then my nose started running all over the place. She kept having to pass me a kleenex...I felt like a dork! The massage made me feel quite light-headed, a little nauseated even. Strange. Then off to shopping! Which was awesome. God I love shopping. Mom spoiled me and I spoiled myself a bit! There's sales everywhere and the cutest clothes everywhere too. Yikes. Now I'm thinking I need a pair of red pumps. My old ones are just too worn out...right? Yep, definitely need new ones.

Sunday was a blah day. I tried to stay motivated but only four of us showed up to dance. Didn't do anything unfortunately. I want to start choreographing but I just wasn't feeling it. I want the girls to get pumped up too, because I think it's exciting, but no seems to feel the same way I do. Oh well, I'm going to continue to be persistent and push through. I have a feeling that's the right thing to do and that it will pay off.

I want to choreograph for some competitions, for a studio or something. Anyone know of anyone? lol. Maybe I can brand myself as pure choreography. Ah, I'd love that. I wouldn't mind going out to DV and doing some solos and duos. The girls are getting pretty advanced. We'll see if I can make that connection...

Well I should get back to it. Gotta get that letter out too.

1 comment:

Mars said...

Hey!! How are you?? You graduated this past April, right?? Crazy how time flies. I'm doing part of my DWL in Montreal at a Museum here, but it's soon back to Edmonton. I really don't wanna go back, but I can't stay here forever!

How are things with you?? I too am trying to enjoy the present... I'm going back to reality in less than a month so the present is amazing! :)