Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Saving vs. shopping...

So I'm still trying keep my brain on track and continue to save money for the wedding. However, working downtown makes it difficult - especially with a Club Monaco, BCBG, Le Chateau, get the idea. So after spending my birthday money on new jeans and a cardi, I've got to look for other ways to make dressing every day more fun. I've heard of "shopping your closet" before, but never took too much interest in it. Until now. Check it out - I think I'll be able to see my clothes in totally different ways and find awesome combinations that feel new. Find out how to take a shopping spree in your very own closet, and most importantly, for FREE!

I'm gonna give it a try.


Unknown said...

Air - I'm starting a new job doing in finance; if you want, I could come and work with you and Trav as part of my training. It's totally free for you, and the company I'm working for usually saves people anywhere from $500-2500/month.

Let me know, and I'll set something up!!

Career Girl said...

I do a closet purge every Spring and Fall. Not quite as in depth as they get both times. I usually go into the shoes and accessories in the Spring time, for Spring Cleaning. But I always know when I'm "done" with something and won't wear it again. I definitely recommend it though, you feel so much better afterwards. I also recommend splurging on some nice hangers, that makes your closet look better and your clothing hang better too.