Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Letting Go

We all have our kinda weird things, right? The things we do that we know don't make much sense but we just need to do them anyway. They're important to us, for whatever reason. Well, mine is an obsession with magazines. I buy around five or six a month, and that's with me definitely cutting back in the last year. I just can't get enough...I have no idea why. Women's, home decor, fashion, fitness, tabloid, wedding...I love them all. My absolute fave is Glamour. I also love People Style, In Style, Home & Garden decor specials, Martha Stewart Weddings, Fitness, Self, Shape, Life & Style...I could go on...

So that's all fine and dandy, but the weird thing is that I keep them. Every one. I have several big file boxes of old magazines dating back to 1994 stored in Trav's parents' barn. There's more boxes in a garage. I'd say I have an upwards of 500. And there WAS a huge stack in my bedroom. 

Yep. Was. I went on a cleaning/organizing rampage last night, and they're gone. I recycled them! (And they were heaaaaaaavy. Good thing I have my brother to help!) It was a huge leap for me, but really...I hadn't referred back to them and they were just taking up so much space. So I've decided it's time for me to live in the present. When I'm done with a magazine, out it goes to the recycling. This is new for me, and tough. But I'm ready.

Just don't expect me to give up my teen magazines from 1994. Those will be worth something someday!

Any strange things you do / collect? (Don't tell me I'm the only one!)

1 comment:

sblendid said...

Too bad magazines aren't like bottles and cans. You could have done a magazine drive and made hundreds of dollars on your returns!